What is the Hatchery?

What's in it for me?

I'm ready to write!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fast Respawn Farming in AQ20 by farli_wow

Use this video to get into a raid with yourself: How To Enter Raids All By Yourself.

Why am I farming mobs in AQ20? Read on to find out.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Buying Mogging Items With The Remote Auction House by Keelhaul

In this video I go over how I do my day-to-day mogging item purchases with the Blizzard Remote Auction House on my iPhone.

-Keelhaul (AKA The Mogfather)

Ready to write for the Hatchery? Submit your World of Warcraft gold-making post to

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Unabridged Cloth Mogging Flip List by Keelhaul

First, a brief introduction:

I'm known in these circles as the Mogfather. I predicted transmogrification would be big for gold-makers, and in 45 days following the release of patch 4.3 and I've earned over one million gold doing one and one thing alone: flipping gear and weapons on auction houses. I buy low, I sell high and in some cases extremely high. I follow a strategy that I honed on my own leveraging a pair of invaluable resources (, as well as visual tools I developed that are currently hosted on my former blog ( If you'd like more insight into the background story and philosophy behind the strategy, check out flux's Power Word Gold Podcast Episode #24. Read on past the jump.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Unabridged Plate Mogging Flip List by Keelhaul

First, a brief introduction:

I'm known in these circles as the Mogfather. I predicted transmogrification would be big for gold-makers, and since patch 4.3 was released I've made over 700,000 gold doing one thing and one thing alone: flipping gear and weapons on auction houses. I buy low, I sell high and in some cases extremely high. I follow a strategy that I honed on my own leveraging a pair of invaluable resources ( as well as visual tools I developed that are currently hosted on my former blog ( If you'd like more insight into the background story and philosophy behind the strategy, check out flux's Power Word Gold Podcast Episode #24. Read on past the jump.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Do not be afraid to Haggle! by Laraku

Hi, Laraku @ShavedSilver here with a quick profit booster.

In many countries around the world, it is considered a normal part of the buying/selling process to haggle over the price.  In fact, you may actually offend by not arguing! Or at least prove you are an ignorant tourist. Head past the jump for more.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Unabridged Mail Mogging Flip List by Keelhaul

First, a brief introduction:

I'm known in these circles as the Mogfather. I predicted transmogrification would be big for gold-makers, and since patch 4.3 was released I've made over 700,000 gold doing one thing and one thing alone: flipping gear and weapons on auction houses. I buy low, I sell high and in some cases extremely high. I follow a strategy that I honed on my own leveraging a pair of invaluable resources (, as well as visual tools I developed that are currently hosted on my former blog ( If you'd like more insight into the background story and philosophy behind the strategy, check out flux's Power Word Gold Podcast Episode #24. Read on past the jump.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Banking Off Unwanted Christmas Gifts! by Timewave

The Holiday Pets Market.

The Winter Veil has just ended, and just like after visiting your grandma for a holiday get together, many people are left with something they already have and wish to get rid of quickly.

If you look at your server's auction house within the first week or 2 after the end of Winter Veil, you will notice it is flooded with the various holiday pets from under the tree.

These pets, by name, are Snowman Kit, Red Helper Box, Green Helper Box, and Jingling Bell.
These are likely from players who just wish to get rid of a pet they already know for some quick money. Read on past the jump for more.